What is a keyword ? Complete guide for beginners

Definición de keyword y palabra clave

Keywords are terms that users use to search for information in search engines, such as Google. These keywords are essential for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), as they allow search engines to find and classify the content of a web page. In other words, keywords are the basis of web positioning.

It is important to select the right keywords for a web page, as this will directly affect the site’s visibility and traffic. A good keyword strategy can increase the relevance of a web page and improve its positioning in search results. However, it is important to note that overusing keywords can be detrimental to SEO as search engines may consider it spam.

In summary, keywords are terms that users use to search for information in search engines and are essential for SEO and web positioning. Selecting the right keywords is essential to improve the visibility and traffic of a web page, but it is important to avoid excessive use of keywords so as not to harm SEO.

Types of Keywords

Keywords can be classified into different types based on their length and relevance. Below are the most common types of keywords:

Short Tail

Short tail keywords are very general and broad search terms, made up of one or two words. These keywords usually have a large number of monthly searches and very high competition. Examples of short-tail keywords are “shoes” or “dogs.”

Long Tail

Long tail keywords are more specific and detailed terms that consist of three or more words. Although they have fewer monthly searches than short-tail keywords, they are typically more effective at attracting quality traffic and conversions. Examples of long-tail keywords are “women’s running shoes” or “French bulldog dogs for sale.”

Head Tail

“Head tail” keywords are intermediate terms that fall between the short-tail and long-tail types of keywords. These keywords are of medium length and moderate competition. Examples of “head tail” keywords are “women’s shoes” or “breed dogs.”

Middle Tail

Middle tail keywords are terms that fall between the short-tail and long-tail keyword types. These keywords are of medium length and moderate competition. Examples of “middle tail” keywords are “women’s walking shoes” or “French bulldog dogs for adoption.”

In short, choosing the right type of keywords will depend on the goal of the SEO campaign and the target audience. It’s important to note that long-tail keywords are typically more effective at attracting quality traffic and conversions, while short-tail keywords may be more effective at increasing overall visibility and traffic.

Importance of Keywords in SEO

Keywords are essential in any SEO strategy . These words or phrases allow search engines to rank content and help users find relevant results for their searches.

SEO positioning is based on the appropriate choice of keywords for each web page or blog. Keywords should be relevant to the content and related to the main topic of the page. Furthermore, it is important that these words are repeated several times in the content, but without falling into excess, since search engines penalize content for “keyword stuffing.”

A good keyword strategy also involves keyword research. This involves searching for keywords relevant to the content, but with low or medium competition. This way, it will be easier to position the content in search engines.

Keywords are also important in web positioning. When a page is well optimized for keywords, it increases the likelihood that it will appear in the top search results. This increases the visibility of the page and therefore the amount of traffic it receives.

In short, keywords are essential in any SEO and web positioning strategy. The proper choice of keywords and your research are essential to position your content in search engines and increase page visibility.

How Google Uses Keywords

Google uses keywords to determine the relevance of a web page in relation to a specific search. Google’s algorithm analyzes the content of the page, including keywords, to determine if the page is relevant to the user’s query.

Google’s algorithm also takes into account other factors, such as page authority, content quality, and user experience, when determining a page’s ranking in search results.

It is important to keep in mind that excessive use of keywords, known as “keyword stuffing”, can be penalized by Google. Instead of trying to include as many keywords as possible on one page, it is better to focus on creating high-quality content that is relevant to your selected keywords.

In short, Google uses keywords as one of many factors it considers when determining a page’s relevance and ranking in search results. It’s important to use relevant keywords effectively in page content, but it’s also important to focus on creating high-quality content that provides a good user experience.

Keyword Strategy

Keyword strategy is a crucial process in search engine optimization (SEO). It involves identifying the key words or phrases that users use to search for information online and then optimizing a website’s content so that it appears in the first search results for those keywords.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the first step in keyword strategy. It consists of identifying the keywords relevant to the business or website. To conduct effective keyword research, you need to understand your company’s target audience and market.

There are several keyword research tools that can help you find relevant keywords. Google Keyword Planner is one of the most used tools. This tool provides information on search volume, competition, and related keyword suggestions.

Keyword Optimization

Keyword optimization is the process of incorporating relevant keywords into a website’s content to improve its search engine rankings. Keyword optimization must be careful and balanced, as excessive use of keywords can be considered spam by search engines and may result in a penalty.

It is important to optimize both the visible content and the hidden content of a website. Visible content includes text, images, and videos, while hidden content includes metadata, tags, and descriptions.

In short, keyword strategy is an important part of SEO strategy. Keyword research and keyword optimization are crucial steps in improving a website’s ranking in search engines.

Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research is a fundamental aspect of SEO. To find the right keywords, it is necessary to use specialized tools that help identify those that are relevant to the business and that have a high search volume. Below are some of the most popular tools for keyword research:

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that allows you to find keywords related to a specific topic. This tool provides information on monthly search volume, competition, and search trends. In addition, it is possible to filter the results by geographic location and language.


Ubersuggest is a free tool that offers a large number of keyword suggestions. This tool provides information on monthly search volume, competition, and search trends. In addition, it allows you to filter the results by geographic location and language. Ubersuggest also offers the ability to analyze the competition and find ideas for content creation.


SEMrush is a paid tool that offers a lot of functionality for keyword research. This tool allows you to find new keywords and related words. Additionally, it provides insights into monthly search volume, competition, and search trends. SEMrush also allows you to analyze the competition and find ideas for content creation.


Keywordtool.io is a paid tool that offers keyword suggestions for Google, YouTube, Bing, and Amazon. This tool provides information on monthly search volume, competition, and search trends. Keywordtool.io also allows you to filter results by geographic location and language.

In conclusion, there are many tools for keyword research, both free and paid. Each of them offers different functionality and features, so it is important to choose the right tool for your business needs.

Keywords and Digital Marketing

Keywords are a fundamental part of digital marketing. In the digital world, people use keywords to search for information on search engines like Google or Bing. Keywords are a way to indicate user needs, wants, and questions.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing focuses on engaging customers through relevant and useful content. Keywords are an important part of inbound marketing as they help content be found by potential customers. By using relevant keywords, you can ensure that your content is shown to people who are searching for brand-related information.

Content Marketing

Content marketing focuses on creating useful and relevant content for potential customers. Keywords are a fundamental part of content marketing as they help content be found by potential customers. By using relevant keywords, you can ensure that your content is shown to people who are searching for brand-related information.

In short, keywords are a fundamental part of digital marketing. By using relevant keywords, you can ensure that your content is found by potential customers and that your brand has a good image in the digital world.

Keywords and Web Traffic

Keywords are terms or phrases that users use to search on search engines. These words are essential for web traffic, as search engines use keywords to identify and classify the content of web pages.

Web traffic refers to the number of visits a web page receives. Organic traffic is traffic that is generated naturally, that is, without paying for advertising. Keywords are an important tool for generating organic traffic, as they allow search engines to find and rank the content of a web page.

Long tail keywords are especially important to generate organic traffic. These keywords are more specific and detailed than general keywords, meaning they attract a more specific and relevant audience to the content of the website.

It is important to choose the right keywords to generate web traffic. Keywords must be relevant to the content of the web page and must be used in a natural and consistent manner in the content of the page. Additionally, it is important to research and analyze the keywords used by competitors to identify opportunities to improve search engine rankings.

Keywords and Competition

Keywords are a key element in the positioning of a website in search engines. However, it is not enough to select the right keywords, it is also important to analyze the competition to identify opportunities for improvement.

Competitor keyword analysis is a process that allows you to find the keywords that your competitors use to rank in search engines. This way, you can identify the keywords you are missing and work on them to improve your positioning.

In addition, competitor analysis also allows you to know your competitors’ strategies, which can be of great help in improving your own strategy. For example, you can identify the keywords your competitors are using to drive traffic to their website and create similar content to attract the same users.

In short, analyzing competitor keywords is a fundamental tool to improve the positioning of your website in search engines. By knowing the keywords your competitors are using and their strategies, you can identify opportunities for improvement and work on them to win the battle for online traffic.


In summary, keywords are search terms that users use in search engines to find relevant information. These keywords are essential for SEO and search engine optimization as they help websites rank in search results.

It is important to select the right keywords for your website as this can significantly affect your online traffic and visibility. By choosing relevant and specific keywords, you can increase the likelihood that users will find your website in search results.

Additionally, it is important to note that keywords must not only be relevant to your website, but must also be used effectively in the content and structure of the website. This may include including keywords in titles, descriptions, and page content.

In conclusion, understanding and correctly using keywords is essential to the online success of any website. By choosing the right keywords and using them effectively in the content and structure of the website, you can significantly improve traffic and online visibility.

Frequent questions

What is the importance of keywords in research?

Keywords are essential in research since they are the means by which users find information online. The right keywords can lead to greater visibility and traffic to a website. Additionally, the right keywords can help improve search engine rankings.

What are the different types of keywords?

There are different types of keywords, such as brand keywords, product keywords, competitor keywords, long-tail keywords, seasonal keywords, among others. Each type of keyword has a specific purpose and can be used to improve SEO in different situations.

How to search for keywords effectively?

To search for keywords effectively, it is important to take into account the target audience, the theme of the website and the competition. A good way to find keywords is through keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, among others.

What are the recommended tools for finding keywords?

There are several recommended tools to find keywords, such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz Keyword Explorer, among others. Each tool has its own characteristics and can be used for different purposes.

How are keywords used on a web page?

Keywords should be used in the page title, URL, page description, page content, and meta tags. It is important not to abuse keywords and use them naturally in the content of the page.

What examples of keywords can be used to improve SEO?

Some examples of keywords that can be used to improve SEO include long-tail keywords, brand keywords, product keywords, competitor keywords, seasonal keywords, among others. It is important to use relevant and specific keywords for the theme of the website.

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